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Dr. Stuart Langenthal
11555 Heron Bay Blvd.
Suite 200
Coral Springs, FL 33076

(954) 721-5144



Our office has been providing high quality staff training and in-service workshops for a number of years. The workshops described below have been designed to meet a variety of classroom and school needs, ultimately reflected in enhanced student learning, as well as enhanced teacher knowledge and awareness.  Training workshops are described for preschool as well as elementary and middle school professionals.  Workshops for the high school level can be developed as needed. Note that all workshops are approximately 2 hours in length.


If your school would like to arrange for a particular workshop or series of workshops, please contact Dr. Langenthal for procedures and fees.




Dealing With Common Behavioral Problems At The Preschool:

This workshop will focus on behavioral problems that are encountered at most preschools.  Specific guidance for each will be presented (i.e. biting, tantrums, toilet training, behavior management techniques etc.).


Temperament Styles and Preschool Adjustment:

This workshop will examine the nine temperament variables and clusters of temperament factors and how they influence both the child's daily behavior and child/ caregiver interactions.


Effective Parent Conferencing:

This workshop will examine techniques for conducting an effective parent conference.  Particular attention will be placed on dealing with the  "difficult parent", how to share concerns about the child, and aligning with the parent to encourage maximum support.


Immaturity, Developmental Delay or Preschool Learning Disabilities:

This workshop will allow participants to understand the characteristics of slower development in young children and their relationship to later learning problems.  Brief screening batteries will be presented.


Beyond Time Out: Other Methods Of Effective Classroom Management:

This workshop will address a variety of methods for managing the preschool classroom.


Understanding Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder At The Preschool:

This workshop will provide a model for understanding ADHD in very young children, and will provide guidelines for distinguishing temperamentally active youngsters from

ADHD children.  Intervention guidelines will be provided.


Staff Management Issues For Preschool Directors:

This workshop will present information on dealing with staff conflict, interpersonal relationships within the preschool setting and handling parent/staff conflicts etc.


Assessing The Preschool Youngster: Linking Assessment and Curriculum:

Information will be presented on a range of screening and assessment tools, which provide reliable and valid information for staff and parents.  Curriculum approaches will be explored in relation to these instruments.


Parent Making -- Teaching Parents How To Be Effective Moms and Dads:

Topics will include how to organize and conduct a parent workshop/discussion group. Topics of interest may include toilet training, choosing a babysitter, how to manage your child's behavior etc.


An Overview of Preschool Handicapping Conditions:

A review of current issues in identifying and treating a variety of preschool developmental, educational and medical conditions.


Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Implications For The Preschool: 

This workshop will introduce ASD and associated pervasive developmental disorders, discussing early identification and intervention.


Community Outreach: Exploring Current Resources For Your Students:

When and where to refer student for services within the community: Developmental, Medical, and Educational Issues.




Classroom Organization and Behavior Management:

An overview of research-based organizational and management approaches for the regular classroom.


Accommodating Special Needs Youngsters Placed In The Regular Classroom:

Meeting the individual needs of the youngster with learning and behavioral difficulties within the regular classroom.  Curriculum and teaching modifications will be presented.


Dealing With The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered Youngsters:

Comprehensive behavioral and self-management approaches for the ADHD youngsters. 


Approaches For Youngsters With Behavior Problems:

Understanding and intervening with the youngster who presents with behavioral difficulties: aggressiveness, noncompliance, social skills difficulties etc.


Effective Parent Conferencing

This workshop will examine the methods for conducting effective parent conferences.  Particular attention will be placed on dealing with the "difficult parent", sharing concerns about the child, and aligning with the parent to encourage maximum support.


Retention and Promotion Issues:

A review of current research: When and when not to retain and how to discuss with the parent and child.


Crisis Intervention: Divorce, Relocation, Violence, and Death:

Dealing with potential crises which may occur during the school year.


Improving The School/ Home Climate: Role Of The Classroom Teacher:

Working towards an effective parent/teacher relationship; schools home notes, e-mail and other effective communication techniques.


Teaching Organizational, Planning and Study Skills To Students:

Incorporate these skills into your teaching plan and avoid difficulties during the school year.


Developing A Class Or School-wide Peer Tutoring Program

Utilizing peer tutoring for both advanced and underachieving youngsters.


Understanding The Reading Process: Neuro-Developmental and Remedial Approaches

A review of current research and on reading development teaching reading and remedial reading approaches.


Working With the Advanced and Gifted Student In The Regular Classroom:

Meeting the needs of the advanced and gifted youngsters via curriculum modifications understanding the personalities and characteristics of advanced youngsters etc.


Current Issues In Education:

No Child left behind, Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test/High Stakes Testing, Legal Issues and Sociopolitical Impacts of Policy On Educators.


Bringing Out The Best in Your Staff: A Seminar For Directors and Principals:

Encouraging the peak performances of staff; limiting/resolving conflict; management issues.


Understanding/ Deciphering Psychological/Educational Reports and Evaluations:

This workshop will assist teachers in understanding psychological reports, test scores and diagnoses to enhance the intervention process.  The workshop will also address testing concepts and statistics so as to enhance report usefulness.


Video Tape Series -- Dr. Melvin Levine

In addition to the aforementioned workshops, we have an excellent  series of videotapes developed by Dr. Melvin Levine, noted developmental pediatrician.  Tapes and follow-up discussions are part of the series. 


A sample of available tapes and topics include:


·      The Misunderstood Mind- Learning Differences

·      Getting Organized/Work Habits

·      Attention

·      Mastering the Challenges of Reading


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Dr. Stuart Langenthal
11555 Heron Bay Blvd., Suite 200
Coral Springs, FL 33076
Phone: (954) 721-5144